Cost-effective 24/7 rural healthcare

We have designed a program that could provide 24/7 primary healthcare services in remote villages of not just India but also Nepal, Srilanka and Bangladesh, at very low costs. The program is ecofriendly (running on solar power), uses only 2G mobile technology, creates jobs locally and also leads to self reliance. Our program is structured and modularized  in a way that not only can it be quickly expanded to 5000 villages but also modified to suit requirements of remote populations of countries like Bangla Desh, Nepal, Africa,  Australia, Canada and some areas of Alaska in the US. The present pilot is designed for rural envions of Maharashtra, India but can be replicated any where. 

The Program

We have taken into consideration gaps in the present rural Health delivery system and have  put together a realistic and  innovative Rural healthcare program that would provide 24/7 primary and preventive healthcare in remote villages. Our innovative solution would use 'force multiplier' strategies to seamlessly fuse cutting edge technology with touch-and-feel services thereby providing primary, preventive, diagnostic, curative, palliative, and promotive healthcare. This program would also provide training and employment to men and women living in these villages. Our program is expected to provide a statistically significant improvement in rural healthcare and our USPs would be responsiveness, accountability and guaranteed availability. In addition to this, our project would be widely available, eco-friendly and 'green', since it would run only on a 2G mobility platform and solar power.


We propose  a pilot in which we would  provide primary healthcare to around 100 villages (3,000 to 7,000 people per village) thereby covering around 3,00,000 to 7,00,000 rural population. The special advantage of this program is it's 'Rapid Deployment Process" that would enable these villages to be covered in just 14 to 16 months (with the first village going Live in as less as 4.5 months).  

This social pilot would run on grants and provide 100% verifiable social and health benefits. In addition, on top of this  we would run a trial of certain low cost commercial activities that would generate revenue. The idea is to learn at a grass-root levels as to what works and what does not. Successful learnings would be implemented in the next 100 villages to ensure self reliance and decent profits to ensure a commercial take-off. This pilot is very crucial as the learnings from the implementation would provide hard core statistics of how the project as a whole could become self sustaining. The fundamentals of this program are so strong that once the pilot details the revenues, it would become self multiplying and self sustainable. Though this program draws data from Maharashtra, India, it could easily be applied to any state of India or any other country. The other advantage it has is that it can be quickly expanded without any skilled manpower procurement issues.


Till date very few have worked on this paradigm. We are the first entity to come out with such a comprehensive, yet low cost solution.

A presentation is attached.

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